Saturday, August 21, 2010

Kitten lounge shows us some love

Our ultra chic leather bangle made it on Kitten's Lounge's Project Accessory. This piece is part of our permanent jewelry collection and is available in our online shop. Still affordable at $30-40 (various sizes).

Project Accessory is a series of posts in a year long project which looks to present designers and their pieces to Kitten Lounge's readers while also highlighting how they are an essential element to the overall outfit and the lifestyle through this weekly webisode format. As an Accessories Expert, Kimmie Smith has worked with a number of brands who have signed on to this project.

She did Accessorizing for Brunch where she tackles how visiting a space is the perfect place to show off your space! What does this mean? Kimmie gives you some great tips on how to wear this piece and how to accessorize it with your clothes and other accessories.. Cool idea.

Check it out here

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